Link Styles


Link Styles

The Style Links menu provides style options, which allow you to choose the way all the links in the net are displayed.  The menu is also available by = 4 && typeof(BSPSPopupOnMouseOver) == 'function') BSPSPopupOnMouseOver(event);" class="BSSCPopup" onclick="BSSCPopup('X_PU_right_click.htm');return false;">right-clicking on the = 4 && typeof(BSPSPopupOnMouseOver) == 'function') BSPSPopupOnMouseOver(event);" class="BSSCPopup" onclick="BSSCPopup('X_PU_background.htm');return false;">background and choosing Modify Style Default Link.

Hidden:  = 4 && typeof(BSPSPopupOnMouseOver) == 'function') BSPSPopupOnMouseOver(event);" class="BSSCPopup" onclick="BSSCPopup('X_PU_toggle_menu.htm');return false;">Toggling Style Links Hide Links allows you to hide all the links in the net.  This is especially useful when you are creating something for an end-user who does not care how nodes are linked together (then you may also want to hide some nodes).  To avoid confusion, it is not possible to display some links and hide others (although if the nodes at both ends of a link are hidden, the link between won't be drawn either).

Technical:  The remaining 3 choices of the Style Links menu are for those familiar with the process of Bayes net = 4 && typeof(BSPSPopupOnMouseOver) == 'function') BSPSPopupOnMouseOver(event);" class="BSSCPopup" onclick="BSSCPopup('X_PU_compile_net.htm');return false;">compiling, and wish to see how it is being done.  They allow you to switch between showing the link structure of the net which was originally constructed (Style Links Regular Dag), the link structure of the = 4 && typeof(BSPSPopupOnMouseOver) == 'function') BSPSPopupOnMouseOver(event);" class="BSSCPopup" onclick="BSSCPopup('X_PU_Markov_network.htm');return false;">Markov net derived from it ( Markov Net), and the link structure of the = 4 && typeof(BSPSPopupOnMouseOver) == 'function') BSPSPopupOnMouseOver(event);" class="BSSCPopup" onclick="BSSCPopup('X_PU_triangulated.htm');return false;">triangulated net derived from the Markov network ( Triangulated).

The triangulated net is used internally to determine the = 4 && typeof(BSPSPopupOnMouseOver) == 'function') BSPSPopupOnMouseOver(event);" class="BSSCPopup" onclick="BSSCPopup('X_PU_clique.htm');return false;">cliques when compiling the net, and a number is displayed with each node to indicate its position in the = 4 && typeof(BSPSPopupOnMouseOver) == 'function') BSPSPopupOnMouseOver(event);" class="BSSCPopup" onclick="BSSCPopup('X_PU_elimination_order.htm');return false;">elimination order of the compilation.

The Triangulated and Markov Net styles are only for viewing the net, printing it, and copying its graphics (with no nodes selected).  If you try to do any other operation the style will automatically change back to Regular Dag.  Before you choose these from the menu, you may want to save your net, since they will loose information about link bends.