Sensitivity Equations


Sensitivity Equations

Below are descriptions of each of the utility-free sensitivity measures that Netica calculates.  First are some notes for interpreting the descriptions.

Definition:  In the definitions, "belief" means posterior probability (i.e. conditioned on all findings currently entered). In the names of the various measures "real" refers to the = 4 && typeof(BSPSPopupOnMouseOver) == 'function') BSPSPopupOnMouseOver(event);" class="BSSCPopup" onclick="BSSCPopup('X_PU_expected_value.htm');return false;">expected value of continuous nodes, or = 4 && typeof(BSPSPopupOnMouseOver) == 'function') BSPSPopupOnMouseOver(event);" class="BSSCPopup" onclick="BSSCPopup('X_PU_discrete.htm');return false;">discrete nodes which have a real numeric value associated with each state  "expected value" means to take the expectation over a quantity.

   Range:  The minimum and maximum values that this measure can take on.

   Compare:   A quantity which is useful to compare the value of this measure against (perhaps to express this measure as a percentage).

Equation:   Note that all the conditionals should include all findings already entered into the network, so P(q) is really P(q|E), P(q|f) is really P(q|f,E), etc.


      Q  is the query variable

      F  is the varying variable

      q  is a state of the query variable

      f  is a state of the varying variable

      Xq is the numeric real value corresponding to state q

      SUM~q means the sum over all states q of Q.  It applies to

      the whole expression following.

      MIN~q, MAX~q are similar to SUM~q

      E(Q)   is the expected real value of Q before any new findings

      E(Q|f) is the expected real value of Q after new finding f for node F

      V(Q)   is the variance of the real value of Q before any new findings

      H(Q)   is the entropy of Q before any new findings

      RMS    is "root mean square", which is the square root

             of the average of the values squared.

Minimum Belief

Definition:  Minimum belief that each state q of Q can take due to a finding at F.  This provides a value for each state.

 Range:      [0, P(q)]        P(q) if Q is independent of F

 Compare:    P(q)

 Equation:   Pmin(q) = MIN~f P(q|f)

Maximum Belief

Definition: Maximum belief that each state q of Q can take due to a  finding at F.  This provides a value for each state.

Range:      [P(q), 1]         P(q) if Q is independent of F

Compare:    P(q)

Equation:   Pmax(q) = MAX~f P(q|f)

RMS Change of Belief

 Definition: The square root of the expected change squared of the belief of state q of Q, due to a finding at F  This provides a value for each state.  This is the standard deviation of P(q|f) about P(q) due to a finding at F, with the finding at F distributed by P(f).

 Reference:  Spiegelhalter89 & Neapolitan90,p394.  They call the square of this quantity simply "variance".

 Range:      [0, 1]         0 if Q is independent of F

 Compare:    P(q)

 Equation:   sp(q) = sqrt (Vp(q))

              Vp(q) = SUM~f P(f) [P(q|f) - P(q)] ^ 2

"Variance" of Node Belief (named "Quadratic Score" in older versions of Netica)

 Definition: The expected change squared of the beliefs of Q, taken over all of its states, due to a finding at F.

 Reference:  Spiegelhalter89 & Neapolitan90,p394.  They call this "variance" (for them it comes out the same as Vp(q) because they just use 2-state nodes).

 Range:      [0, 1]           0 if Q is independent of F

 Equation:   s2 = SUM~f SUM~q P(q,f) [P(q|f) - P(q)] ^ 2

Minimum Real

 Definition: The lowest that the expected real value of Q could go to,

              due to a finding at F.

 Requires:   Node Q is continuous, or has real number state values defined.

 Range:      (-infinity, E(Q)]      E(Q) if Q is independent of F

 Compare:    E(Q) = SUM~q P(q) Xq

 Equation:   mmin = MIN~f E(Q|f)

Maximum Real

 Definition: The highest that the expected real value of Q could go to, due to a finding at F.

 Requires:   Node Q is continuous, or has real number state values defined.

 Range:      [E(Q), infinity)      E(Q) if Q is independent of F

 Compare:    E(Q)

 Equation:   mmax = MAX~f E(Q|f)

RMS Change of Real

Definition:  The square root of the expected change squared in the expected real value of Q, due to a finding at F.  This turns out to be the same as the square root of the variance reduction of expected value.

 Requires:   Node Q is continuous, or has real number state values defined.

 Range:      [0, V(Q)]      0 if Q is independent of F

 Compare:    E(Q)  and maybe V(Q)

 Equation:   sm = sqrt (Vm)

              Vm = SUM~f P(f) [E(Q|f) - E(Q)] ^ 2 = Vr

Variance Reduction of Real

  Definition: The expected reduction in variance of the expected real value of Q due to a finding at F.  This turns out to be the square of RMS Change of Real.

  Requires:   Node Q is continuous, or has real number state values defined.

  Range:      [0, V(Q)]      0 if Q is independent of F

  Reference:  Pearl88,p323.  What he says is C(T|X) is actually C(T|X)-C(T).

              Var mapping: T->Q, X->F, C->V, t->q and Xq

  Compare:    V(Q)

  Equation:   Vr = V(Q) - V(Q|F) = Vm

              V(Q) = SUM~q P(q) [Xq - E(Q)] ^ 2

              V(Q|f) = SUM~q P(q|f) [Xq - E(Q|f)] ^ 2

              E(Q) = SUM~q P(q) Xq

Entropy Reduction (Mutual Information)

  Definition: The mutual information between Q and F (measured in bits). The expected reduction in entropy of Q (measured in bits) due to a finding at F.

  Range:      [0, H(Q)]      0 if Q is independent of F

  Reference:  Pearl88,p321.  He has sign of I(T,X) backwards.

              Var mapping: T->Q, X->F, I(T,X)->I

  Compare:    H(Q)

  Equation:   I = H(Q) - H(Q|F)

                = SUM~q SUM~f P(q,f) log (P(q,f) / [P(q) P(f)])

        Note that the log is base 2, which is traditional for entropy and mutual information, so that the units of the results will be "bits".