Generic Templates


Built-In Generic Report Template Files

Netica comes with a number of pre-made template files for common types of reports, and they might be just what you need.  If you require a more customized approach, you can create your own template file.  If so, you may want to use one of the generic ones as a starting point, or examine it for ideas on how to make your own.

Location:  Your Netica download comes with a batch of pre-made report templates.  In the main directory of your Netica installation, you will see a folder called Report Templates  (the path to this folder is printed out in the Messages window of Netica Application when it first starts up).

The generic files Net All.nsp.htm and  Node All.nsp.htm are especially useful, since they contain many possible methods  for displaying information.

For example, for a report on the table of a node, you could use:  Generic/Report Templates/Node Table.nsp.htm

Here is a list of the generic reports available:

Net All.nsp.htm

Net Beliefs.nsp.htm

Net Case.nsp.htm

Net Comment.nsp.htm

Net Comment Unformatted.nsp.htm

Net Developer.nsp.htm

Net Equations.nsp.htm

Net Findings.nsp.htm

Net Graphic.nsp.htm

Net Sensitivity.nsp.htm

Net User.nsp.htm

Node All.nsp.htm

Node Description.nsp.htm

Node Developer.nsp.htm

Node Equation.nsp.htm

Node Parents.nsp.htm

Node Sensitivity.nsp.htm

Node Table.nsp.htm

Node User.nsp.htm

Node Web_Description.nsp.htm