Placing Text on Net Diagrams


Placing Text on Net Diagrams

You can put text directly on the net diagram, which is suitable for titles, comments, notes, copyright and other legal notices, small = 4 && typeof(BSPSPopupOnMouseOver) == 'function') BSPSPopupOnMouseOver(event);" class="BSSCPopup" onclick="BSSCPopup('X_PU_CPT.htm');return false;">CPTs of nodes, warnings, directions for usage, etc.

How To:  To add a title or text to your net, = 4 && typeof(BSPSPopupOnMouseOver) == 'function') BSPSPopupOnMouseOver(event);" class="BSSCPopup" onclick="BSSCPopup('X_PU_right_click.htm');return false;">right-click on the = 4 && typeof(BSPSPopupOnMouseOver) == 'function') BSPSPopupOnMouseOver(event);" class="BSSCPopup" onclick="BSSCPopup('X_PU_background.htm');return false;">background and choose Modify New Title or New Note. A constant node will be created.

Don't Use:  If you have a large block of text to document a net, it is better to place it in the documentation window, and if you want to provide a description for a node, but not have it visible on the net diagram, use the node’s description field, or put it in a state comment.

Color:  By default, text elements have a light-blue background.  You can modify this for the whole net by right-clicking on the net background and choosing Modify NodeSet Properties.  In the properties dialog box, click on ‘Documentation’ and then Set Color.  Text elements can be added to node-sets, so if you wish to link the coloring of a text element to that of some nodes, add it to the same node-set they are in.  To make text elements of varying color, create new node-sets having the desired colors.

Font and Size:  You can also = 4 && typeof(BSPSPopupOnMouseOver) == 'function') BSPSPopupOnMouseOver(event);" class="BSSCPopup" onclick="BSSCPopup('X_PU_select_node.htm');return false;">select some text elements, and change their font or size by right-clicking on one, and choosing Style Font.  It is not possible to have more than one coloring or font within a single text element.

You can select, search, copy and paste, duplicate, edit, move and delete text elements in the natural way.  For example, to duplicate an element, you hold down ctrl key and drag it.  To change the text in it, you double-click it.


 If you have some text elements that you use repeatedly, such as a copyright notice, you can copy and paste them to the Node Palette, found on the Windows menu, so that they will be available anytime you use Netica.

There are a number of style options available for improving the overall look of your net, which is useful for printing and presentation purposes.