Node States - Multi-Purpose Box


Node States – Multi-Purpose Box

When the multi-purpose selector of a node dialog box is set to States, you can enter or view how many states the node has, and what their names are.  You can also do these operations using the State Name setting box, which has the same capabilities and effect.  However, usually you will find this method more convenient, especially if you want to paste in the names of all the states at once, which you have copied from another node or even from another program.

You simply enter the names of all the states into the box, separated by space(s), tabs, commas or on separate lines.  If the number of states in the list is different from the node’s current number of states, the node’s number of states will be changed.

An example entry is: low medium high

This operation can also be performed by using the right-click menu.  You can Rename or Delete States by right-clicking on a single or group of nodes and choosing Modify.  A dialog box will come up asking which state you want to rename or delete.
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