Documentation Window


Documentation Window

When you create a Bayes net or decision net, it is usually a good idea to write a short description of it, or provide other written documentation, which stays in the same file as the net itself.

With the net window = 4 && typeof(BSPSPopupOnMouseOver) == 'function') BSPSPopupOnMouseOver(event);" class="BSSCPopup" onclick="BSSCPopup('X_PU_active_window.htm');return false;">active, choose Window Description of Net, and a window will appear in which you can place = 4 && typeof(BSPSPopupOnMouseOver) == 'function') BSPSPopupOnMouseOver(event);" class="BSSCPopup" onclick="BSSCPopup('X_PU_text_editor.htm');return false;">plain text.

This is called the net’s documentation window, and it will automatically be closed when the net window is closed.  If the documentation window was open when the net was last saved, then when the net is next opened, it will automatically be opened as well, and in the same place as when the net was saved.


If you are distributing the net to other people, make sure the documentation window is open when you last save the net, so that they see it right away when they open your net.

Informative text can also be placed directly on the net diagram, or within a node’s description box.