Search / Find



To find the occurrence of some text in the = 4 && typeof(BSPSPopupOnMouseOver) == 'function') BSPSPopupOnMouseOver(event);" class="BSSCPopup" onclick="BSSCPopup('X_PU_active_window.htm');return false;">active net, choose Edit Find and enter the search text. Netica will search node names, titles, state names and comments for the text.

When Netica finds a node containing the search text it will scroll the window to that node and select the node.  To find the next node containing the text, use Edit Find Next (or press the f3 key).  Edit Find All will select all the nodes containing the text.

You may only be interested in the occurrence of the search text in one type of field; say you are looking for the node with a certain name.  As Netica finds each occurrence of the search text, it prints in the = 4 && typeof(BSPSPopupOnMouseOver) == 'function') BSPSPopupOnMouseOver(event);" class="BSSCPopup" onclick="BSSCPopup('X_PU_Messages_window.htm');return false;">Messages window where it found the text.  For example, it might print: "heavy pressure" found in comment of node Depth.  So you can just watch the Messages window until you see that Netica found the text in a node name.




  If you want to easily select a certain subset of nodes, you can give them a keyword, say "$Unfinished", by putting that keyword in the description of each of them.  Whenever you want to select them just do an Edit Find on "$Unfinished", and then do Edit Find All.  It is good to precede keywords with some special symbol, like ‘$’, so the search can’t be confused by node titles, state names, etc., and you will remember it is being used as a keyword.  However, usually a better method to work with sets of nodes is to node-sets and select them based on their node-set names.

  You can make a printed list of all the nodes containing certain text, by first doing a Find All search on that text, then with the nodes still selected, choose Report List of Selected.   More Info