Other Minor Improvements


Other Smaller Improvements

In addition to its major new features, Netica has the following improvements.

From version 5.00 to version 5.03

  When printing a net, you can enter the number of pages you want it to appear on, instead of just the magnification.  Default is 1.  But if you want to enter a magnification, just make those entries blank.

  Keeps track of starting experience used for learning (normally 1 for each state).  Saves in NETA file for each node, and adjusts when doing table hardening or softening.

  Fixed: When select multiple nodes and do Sensitivity to Findings, gave a #2516 error.

  Fixed: Sometimes constant nodes weren't registered to be available to equations until after saving to file and re-reading.

  While EM learning from a case file having a case inconsistent with the Bayes net, now puts the IDnum of the case in the error message, and allows halting or continuing without it.

  Equations now recognize discrete constant nodes with a state setting.

  Names of built-in node-sets are now preceded by colon (:) instead of dash (-)

  Fixed: Process-cases didn't work when there was a finding entered in the net (gave a 2592 C0000005 error).

From version 4.00 to version 4.16

  Greatly improved the CPTable editor, both cosmetically and functionally.

  Text editor: Handles larger text files (up to 2GB) for text editing, instead of just 30K.  Helps avoid Messages Window overflow.  Text entry in dialog boxes (such as user fields) can also take larger text amounts.

  Disconnecting/connecting links now works better.  The tool button can reconnect as well as disconnect.  When right-click on a disconnected link, menu now has "Reconnect", which reconnects link to original node (even across file save/read).

  Can now read .xlsx and .accdb database case files (as well as the old .xls and .mdb).

  When reading a case file, missing data symbols (empty, ' ', ?, *, N/A) will now instead be interpreted as a state, if the node has a state with an exactly matching state title.

  New onscreen help system.

  Within .dne files, it now uses a superior flat format for tables (which means the Bayes net files it creates cannot be completely read by very old versions of Netica (previous to 2.27 of 2003-05-02)).  But, of course, new versions of Netica can still read all the old .dne files, created by any previous version of Netica.

  Fixed: When reading UVF files, uncertain findings for states with an _ in their name caused error #2878.

  Fixed: When reading UVF files, extra spaces could cause errors.

  Fixed: When left and right mouse buttons in Windows were configured as left-handed, Netica couldn't select nodes.

  Fixed: Reading Hugin files didn't work as well as earlier versions of Netica.

  Can now read XML BIF 0.3 files, as described in 1998 Fabio Cozman document:  http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/user/fgcozman/www/Research/InterchangeFormat/

  Mouse wheel now scrolls instead of zooms.

  Node dialog: Fixed up the node properties dialog box multipurpose box display and entry of state info (state names, state titles, state comments, state numbers) significantly (eg, allow single entry or "All" at once for each).

From version 3.18 to version 3.25:

Fixed bug: Sometimes after adding a utility node (or any undiscretized continuous node), and then trying to access its table, an internal error would result.

Improved Unicode support (LabelBox display, docn nodes, setting by right-clicking, etc.)

Fixed "Process Cases" to work with UVF files.

Undo/redo for nodeset operations now works properly.

Obfuscate net deletes documentation nodes.

Improved the support for old versions of Microsoft Windows (Windows 95, 98, Me).

From version 3.16 to version 3.18:

Table editor now has a * indicator in its title bar to show when changes have been made that are not yet applied to the node.

Comments that you create to appear when the mouse hovers over a node or state can now be multi-line.

Links are now always drawn underneath the nodes for diagram clarity.

Fixed annoying situation where equation is constantly re-established when trying to delete equation from node properties dialog by backspacing.

Fixed problems occurring when no default printer is installed, such as error message: **1223** X component of `drawing bounds` in VISUAL net 'V1' is too large (= ..., but maximum is 16383).

Fixed bug: Database access gave an error when the first node in the net was skipped (i.e., wasn't a database column).

Lots of small improvements to the table editor dialog box.

Fixed bug: 'Add Case File Nodes' didn't do anything in some situations.

Can now scroll with arrow keys.

Can now enter empty strings for values of user-defined fields in node dialog box.

If nodes at each end of a link are in "hidden" format, the link is not drawn.

Other minor improvements and bug fixes.