zpkdata (Control Design and Simulation Module, MathScript Function)

LabView Control Design MathScript Functions

zpkdata (Control Design and Simulation Module, MathScript Function)

Member of the info class.


[z, p, K, Ts] = zpkdata(SysInZPK)

[z, p, K, delay, Ts] = zpkdata(SysInZPK)

[z, p, K, Ts] = zpkdata(SysInZPK, iy, iu)

[z, p, K, delay, Ts] = zpkdata(SysInZPK, iy, iu)


Returns information about a zero-pole-gain system model.



Name Description
SysInZPK Specifies a linear time-invariant (LTI) model in zero-pole-gain form.
iy Specifies the index number of a model output. The default value is 1. iy is an integer scalar.
iu Specifies the index number of a model input. iu is an integer scalar.


Name Description
z Returns the locations of the zeros of the SysInZPK model. z is a complex vector.
p Returns the locations of the poles of the SysInZPK model. p is a complex vector.
K Returns the gain of the SysInZPK model. K is a real scalar or real matrix, depending on the number of inputs and outputs of the SysInZPK model.
delay Returns the total delay present in the SysInZPK model, in seconds.
Ts Returns the sampling time of the SysInZPK model. If the value of Ts is 0, the SysInZPK model is continuous. Otherwise, the model is discrete. Ts is a real scalar.


z1 = 1p1 = 2
z2 = []
p2 = [1, 1]
K = [2; 1]
SysInZPK = zpk(z1, z2, p1, p2, K)
[z2, p2, k2] = zpkdata(SysInZPK, 2, 1)

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