pid (Control Design and Simulation Module, MathScript Function)

LabView Control Design MathScript Functions

pid (Control Design and Simulation Module, MathScript Function)

Member of the construct class.


SysOutTF = pid(Kc, Ki, Kd, 'parallel')

SysOutTF = pid(Kc, Ti, Td, 'series')

SysOutTF = pid(Kc, Ti, Td, 'academic')

[num, den] = pid(Kc, Ti, Td)


Constructs a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller model in either parallel, series, or academic form. Refer to the LabVIEW Control Design User Manual for information about these three forms.



Name Description
Kc Specifies the proportional gain of the controller model.
Ki Specifies the integral gain of a parallel controller. This input adjusts the effect of the error integral on the controller output. The default value is 0, which specifies no integral action.
Kd Specifies the derivative gain of a parallel controller. This input adjusts the effect of the error derivative on the controller output. The default value is 0, which specifies no derivative action.
Ti Specifies the integral time constant of a series or academic controller. This input adjusts the effect of the error integral on the controller output. The default value is 0, which specifies no integral action.
Td Specifies the derivative time constant of a series or academic controller. The default value is 0, which specifies no derivative action.
'parallel', 'series', or 'academic' Specifies the structure of PID controller model you want to construct. The default value is 'academic'. This input is a string.


Name Description
SysOutTF Returns a PID controller model in transfer function form.
num Returns the coefficients of the numerator polynomial function of the PID controller model. num is a real vector.
den Returns the coefficients of the denominator polynomial function of the PID controller model. den is a real vector.


Kc = 0.5;Ti = 0.25;
SysOutTF = pid(Kc, Ti, 'academic');

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