lqry (Control Design and Simulation Module, MathScript Function)
Member of the ssdesign class.
[K, X, eig] = lqry(SysInSS, Q, R)
[K, X, eig] = lqry(SysInSS, Q, R, N)
[K, X, eig] = lqry(A, B, C, D, Q, R)
[K, X,,eig] = lqry(A, B, C, D, Q, R, N)
Calculates the optimal steady-state feedback gain matrix K that minimizes a quadratic cost function for a linear discrete state-space system model. The cost function weights the model outputs. The quadratic cost function J is defined as the following equation:
integral(y'(t)Qy(t)+u(t)'Ru(t)+2y(t)'Nu(t), t, 0, +inf), where t is continuous time, u is the input vector, and y is the output vector.
Name | Description |
SysInSS | Specifies a linear time-invariant (LTI) model in state-space form. |
A | Specifies an n x n state matrix, where n is the number of states. The default is an empty matrix. A is a real matrix. |
B | Specifies an n x m input matrix, where m is the number of inputs. The default is an empty matrix. B is a real matrix. |
C | Specifies an r x n output matrix, where r is the number of outputs. The default is an empty matrix. C is a real matrix. |
D | Specifies an r x m direct transmission matrix. The default is an empty matrix. D is a real matrix. |
Q | Specifies a symmetric, positive semi-definite matrix that penalizes the output vector y in the cost function. Q is a real matrix. |
R | Specifies a symmetric positive definite matrix that penalizes the input vector u in the cost function. The default is the identity matrix. R is a real matrix. |
N | Specifies a matrix that penalizes the cross product between output and state vectors, such that (Q-N*inv(R)*N') is positive semi-definite. The default is an appropriately sized matrix of zeros. N is a real matrix. |
Name | Description |
K | Returns the gain matrix such that K = inv(R)*(B'X+N'). K is a real matrix. |
X | Returns the symmetric, positive semi-definite (stabilizing) solution to the discrete algebraic Riccati equation. X is a real matrix. |
eig | Returns the eigenvalues of the matrix (A-BK). These eigenvalues are the closed-loop pole locations. eig is a complex vector. |
A = [0.9, 0.25; 0, 0.8]
B = [0; 1]
C = [1, 0]
D = 0
Q = 2
R = 1
[K, X, eig] = lqry(A, B, C, D, Q, R)