obsv (Control Design and Simulation Module, MathScript Function)
Member of the ssanals class.
Ob = obsv(SysInSS)
Ob = obsv(A, C)
Calculates the observability matrix of a state-space system model. You use the observability matrix to determine if the given system is observable. A model is observable if you can estimate each state of the model by looking at only the output response.
Name | Description |
SysInSS | Specifies a linear time-invariant (LTI) model in state-space form. |
A | Specifies an n x n state matrix, where n is the number of states. The default is an empty matrix. A is a real matrix. |
C | Specifies an r x n output matrix, where r is the number of outputs. The default is an empty matrix. C is a real matrix. |
Name | Description |
Ob | Returns the observability matrix of the SysInSS model. This model is observable if the observability matrix is full column rank. Ob is a real matrix. |
A = [1, 1; -1, 2]B = [1, 2]'
C = [2, 1]
D = 0
SysInSS = ss(A, B, C, D)
Ob = obsv(SysInSS)