modred (Control Design and Simulation Module, MathScript Function)

LabView Control Design MathScript Functions

modred (Control Design and Simulation Module, MathScript Function)

Member of the reduce class.


SysRedSS = modred(SysInSS, states)

SysRedSS = modred(SysInSS, states, method)


Eliminates state dynamics that you want to ignore in a state-space system model. This function can eliminate the state dynamics by deleting the states or by assuming steady-state conditions for states with fast dynamics. This assumption is a pseudo-steady-state assumption. The pseudo-steady-state assumption does not affect the discrete or continuous system gain of the original system, so the remaining states have the same gain as the full order system.



Name Description
SysInSS Specifies a linear time-invariant (LTI) model in state-space form.
states Specifies the index numbers of the states you want to eliminate. states is an integer scalar or vector.
method Specifies the method you want to use to reduce the order of the SysInSS model. method is a string that can take the following values:

'mdc' (Default) Specifies that this function substitutes the steady-state values of the specified states into the dynamics of the reduced-order model.
'del' Specifies that this function eliminates the specified states from the reduced-order model.


Name Description
SysRedSS Returns the reduced-order version of the SysInSS model.


A = [-1, 0.1; 0.2, -2]
B = [0; 1]
C = [1, 0]
D = 0
states = 1
SysInSS = ss(A, B, C, D)
SysRed = modred(SysInSS, states)

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