d2c (Control Design and Simulation Module, MathScript Function)

LabView Control Design MathScript Functions

d2c (Control Design and Simulation Module, MathScript Function)

Member of the convert class.


SysCon = d2c(SysDis)

SysCon = d2c(SysDis, method)

SysCon = d2c(SysDis, 'prewarp', w)


Converts a discrete system model to a continuous model using the method you specify. Refer to the LabVIEW Control Design User Manual for information about these conversion methods.



Name Description
SysDis Specifies a discrete model in transfer function, zero-pole-gain, or state-space form.
method Specifies the method this function uses to convert the SysDis model to the SysCon model. method is a string that can take the following values:

'zoh' (Default) Converts the model using the Zero-Order-Hold method.
'tustin' Converts the model using Tustin's method.
'prewarp' Converts the model using the Prewarp method. If you enter this option, you also must specify the prewarp frequency w as an input to this function.
w Specifies the prewarp frequency, in radians/second. The default value is 4. w is a real scalar.


Name Description
SysCon Returns a continuous model in transfer function, zero-pole-gain, or state-space form.


A = [0.5, 0.25; 0, 0.1]
B = [1, 0]'
C = [-1, 0]
SysDis = ss(A, B, C, 0, 0.1)
SysCon = d2c(SysDis, 'prewarp', 2)

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