About AutoSummarize
AutoSummarize identifies the key points in a Microsoft Office Word 2003 document so that you or other readers can quickly scan the information in the document. It does so by analyzing the document and assigning a score to each sentence. Sentences that contain significant words used frequently in the document, or phrases that indicate that the sentence has importance, are given a higher score. You then choose a percentage of the highest-scoring sentences to display in the summary. AutoSummarize works best on well-structured documents such as reports, articles, and scientific papers.
After you install Microsoft Office 2003 Proofing Tools, you can summarize documents in a different language the same way you do in your language, if you have enabled editing for the language. If a document contains text in more than one language, AutoSummarize generates a summary in the language used most frequently in the document.
For information about automatically summarizing a document, see Word Help.
Note AutoSummarize may not be available, depending on the language you are working in.