Specific Software Components
Available software using Intel Express Installer can include any of the following components:
Express Installer CD-based drivers.
Express Installer CD-based utilities and applications.
Downloaded driver updates (if available) using Intel’s Download Center.
Downloaded utility and application updates (if available) using Intel’s Download Center.
Additional detailed information about these components can exist in the following formats:
As vendor supplied documents (either available before installation or extracted during the installation process).
As driver or application specific readme files obtained with the downloaded component.
As text in the Intel Express Installer Readme.txt file (located at the root of CD) with additional installation notes.
As an information link to the Internet, provided by specific vendor(s).
Some components may show up disabled in the list of software to install if any of the following occurs:
The system cannot detect the device. Check report file for detected devices.
The computer's operating system does not support the software component or you may need to update your operating system with a more recent version.
A dependant item that this component requires for installation is not available or selected.
You may need to check driver settings in the system BIOS to verify that they are enabled.
The component cannot be installed automatically by Intel Express Installer. Refer to the Readme.txt file for any step-by-step instructions on manual installation.