Internal SDK documentation of the IUP library, automatically generated using Doxygen (http://www.doxygen.org/).Code Standards
Function Names (prefix format)
- IupFunc - User API, implemented in the core
- iupFunc - Internal Core API, implemented in the core, used in the core or in driver
- iupxxxFunc - Windows Internal API, implemented in driver xxx, used in driver xxx
- iupdrvFunc - Driver API, implemented in driver, used in the core or driver
- xxxFunc - Driver xxx local functions
Globais Variables (lower case format)
- iupxxx_var
Local Variables (lower case format, using module name)
- iyyy_var
File Names
- iupyyy.h - public headers
- iup_yyy.h/c - core
- iupxxx_yyy.h/c - driver
- Iyyy
File Comments (at start)
- Check an existant file for example.
Include Defines
- __IUPXXX_H (same file name, upper case, "__" preffix and replace "." by "_")
- In the header, using Doxygen commands.
- Check an existant header for example.