
IUP - Portable User Interface


Detaches an interface element from its parent.

If the child is still mapped, then it will be unmapped.


void IupDetach(Ihandle *child); [in C]
iup.Detach(child: ihandle) [in Lua]
or child:detach() [in Lua]

child: Identifier of the interface element to be detached.


This function does not destroy the IUP interface element, just unmap (if necessary) and detach it from the child list of its parent. If left detached it is still necessary to call IupDestroy to destroy the IUP element.

The elements are NOT immediately repositioned. Call IupRefresh for the parent* to update the dialog layout (* or any other element still in the dialog).

See Also

IupAppend, IupRefresh, IupUnmap, IupCreate, IupDestroy