
IUP - Portable User Interface


Returns all attributes of a given element that are in the internal attribute environment. The known attributes that are pointers (not strings) are returned as integers.

The internal attributes are not returned (attributes prefixed with "_IUP").

Before calling this function the applciation must ensure that there is no pointer attributes set for that element.

This function should be avoided. Use IupGetAllAttributes instead.


char* IupGetAttributes (Ihandle *ih); [in C]
iup.GetAttributes(ih: iulua_tag) -> (str: string) [in Lua] 

ih: Identifier of the interface element.
str: in the form v1=a1,v2=a2,... where vi is the name of an attribute and ai is its value.

Returns a string with all attributes in the format: "NAME=VALUE, NAME="VALUE", ...".

See Also

IupGetAttribute, IupGetAllAttributes, IupSetAttribute, IupSetAttributes, IupStoreAttribute