IupMatrix Attributes
Cell Attributes
Text of the cell located in line
L and column
C, where L and C are integer numbers.
Title of line
Title of column
Title of the area between the line and
column titles.
These are valid only in normal mode. No redraw is done for all cases, the application must explicity set the REDRAW attribute.
ALIGNMENTn: Alignment of the cells in column n (n >= 0). No redraw is done. Possible values:
"ALEFT", "ACENTER" or "ARIGHT". Default: "ALEFT" for n=0 and "ACENTER" for n>0.
Background color of the matrix.
Background color of column
C (no redraw is done for this case).
Background color of line
L (no redraw is done for this case).
Background color of the cell in line
L and column
C (no redraw is done for this case).
When more than one attribute are defined, the background color will be
selected following this priority: BGCOLORL:C, BGCOLORL:*, BGCOLOR*:C, and
(L or C >= 0)
Default BGCOLOR is white (255 255 255) for cells and the parent's BGCOLOR for titles.
Since the matrix control can be larger than the matrix itself, the empty area will always be filled with the
parent's BGCOLOR.
Text color.
Text color of column
C (no redraw is done for this case).
Text color of line
L (no redraw is done for this case).
Text color of the cell in line
L and column
C (no redraw is done for this case).
When more than one attribute are define, the text color of a cell will be selected following this priority: FGCOLORL:C, FGCOLORL:*, FGCOLOR*:C, and last FGCOLOR. (L or C >= 0)
Default FGCOLOR is black (0 0 0).
Character font of the text.
font of the cells in line L (no redraw is done for this case).
font of the cells in column C (no redraw is done for this case).
Text font of the cell in line L and column C (no redraw is done for this case).
This attribute must be set before the control is showed. It affects the calculation of the size of all the matrix cells. The cell size is always calculated from the base FONT attribute.
FOCUS_CELL: Defines the currently focused cell.
Two numbers in the L:C format, (L and C>=1). Default: "1:1".
VALUE: Allows setting or verifying the value of the current cell. Is the same as using the L:C attribute, L and C corresponding to the current cells line and column. But when updated or retreived during cell editing, the edit control will be updated or consulted instead of the matrix cell. When retrieved inside the EDITION_CB callback when mode is 0, then the return value is the new value that will be updated in the cell.
SORTSIGNn: Shows a sort sign (up or down arrow) in the column n title. Possible values: "UP", "DOWN" and "NO". Default: NO.
Size Attributes
NUMCOL: Defines the number of columns in the matrix.
Must be an integer number. Default: "0".
NUMCOL_VISIBLE: When set defines the minimum number of visible columns in the matrix. When retrieved returns the current number of visible lines. The remaining columns will be accessible only by using the scrollbar.
Must be an integer number. Default: "4".
NUMLIN: Defines the number of lines in the matrix.
Must be an integer number. Default: "0".
NUMLIN_VISIBLE: When set defines the minimum number of visible lines in the matrix. When retrieved returns the current number of visible lines. The remaining lines will be accessible only by using the scrollbar.
Must be an integer number. Default: "3".
WIDTHDEF: Default column width.
Must be an integer number. Default: Width corresponding to 20 characters.
WIDTHn: Width of column n, where n is the number of the wished column (n>=0). If the width value is 0, the column will not be shown on the screen.
Must be an integer number. Default: Width defined in the WIDTHDEF attribute. Use the same units as SIZE.
HEIGHTn: Height of column n, where n is the number of the wished column (n>=0). If the height value is 0, the column will not be shown on the screen.
RASTERWIDTHn: Same as WIDTHn but in pixels.
RASTERHEIGHTn: Same as HEIGHTn but in pixels.
RESIZEMATRIX: Defines if the width of a column can be interactively changed. When this is possible, the user can change the size of a column by dragging the column title right border. Possible values:
"YES" or "NO". Default: "NO" (does not allow interactive width change).
Mark Attributes
AREA: Defines if the area to be interactively marked by the user will be continuous or not. Possible values:
MARK_MODE: Defines the entity that can be marked: none, lines, columns, lines and/or columns, and cells. Possible values:
"NO", "LIN", "COL", "LINCOL" or "CELL". Default: "NO" (no mark).
MARKED: Vector of 0 or 1 characters, informing which cells are marked (indicated by value 1). The NULL value indicates there is no marked cell. The format of this character vector depends on the value of the MARK_MODE attribute: if its value is CELL, the vector will have NUMLIN x NUMCOL positions, corresponding to all the cells in the matrix. If its value is LIN, the vector will begin with letter L and will have further NUMLIN positions, each one corresponding to a line in the matrix. If its value is COL, the vector will begin with letter C and will have further NUMCOL positions, each one corresponding to a column in the matrix. If its value is LINCOL, the first letter, which can be either L or C, will indicate which of the above formats is being used.
The values must be numbers in a vector of characters 0 and 1. Default: NULL.
MULTIPLE: Defines if more than one entity defined by MARK_MODE can be marked. Possible values:
"YES" or "NO". Default: "NO".
Action Attributes
ADDCOL: Adds a new column to the matrix after the number of the specified column. To insert a column at the top of the spreadsheet, value 0 must be used. To add more than one column, use format "C-C", where the first number corresponds to the base column and the second number corresponds to the number of columns to be added. It is valid only in normal mode.
The value must be a column number.
ADDLIN: Adds a new line to the matrix after the number of the specified line. To insert a line at the top of the spreadsheet, value 0 must be used. To add more than one line, use format "L-L", where the first number corresponds to the base line and the second number corresponds to the number of lines to be added. It is valid only in normal mode.
The value must be a line number.
DELCOL: Removes the given column from the matrix. To remove more than one column, use format "C-C", where the first number corresponds to the base column and the second number corresponds to the number of columns to be removed. It is valid only in normal mode.
The value must be a column number.
DELLIN: Removes the given line from the matrix. To remove more than one line, use format "L-L", where the first number corresponds to the base line and the second number corresponds to the number of lines to be removed. It is valid only in normal mode.
The value must be a line number.
EDIT_MODE: When set to YES, programatically puts the current cell in edition mode, allowing the user to modify its value. When consulted informs if the the current cell is being edited. Possible values:
"YES" or "NO".
ORIGIN: Scroll the visible area to the given cell. Returns the cell at the upper left corner. To move only a line or a column, use a value such as L:*or *:C (L and C>=1). Possible values: two numbers in the L:C format.
REDRAW: The user can inform the matrix that the data has changed, and it must be redrawn. Values:
Redraws the whole matrix.
Redraws the given line (e. g.: L3 redraws line 3)
Redraws the lines in the given region (e.g.:
L2:4 redraws lines 2, 3 and 4)
Redraws the given column (e.g.: C3 redraws column 3)
Redraws the columns in the given region
(e.g: C2:4 redraws columns 2, 3 and 4)
No redraw is done when the application sets cell, line or column graphics attributes attributes: 0:0, 0:C, L:0, L:C, ALIGNMENTn, BGCOLORL:*, BGCOLOR*:C, BGCOLORL:C, FGCOLORL:*, FGCOLOR*:C, FGCOLORL:C, FONTL:*, FONT*:C, FONTL:C. Global and size attributes always automatically redraw the matrix.
General Attributes
CURSOR: Default cursor used by the matrix. The default cursor is a symbol that looks like a cross. If you need to refer to this default cursor, use the name IupMatrixCrossCursor.
FRAMECOLOR: Sets the color to be used in the matrix's frame lines.
SCROLLBAR: Associates a horizontal and/or vertical scrollbar to the matrix. Is only effective if defined before the matrix is mapped. Default is YES.
CARET: Allows specifying and verifying the carets position of the text box in edition mode.
SELECTION: Allows specifying and verifying selection interval of the text box in edition mode.
HIDEFOCUS: do not show the focus mark when drawing the matrix. Default is NO.