Creates a menu item that, when selected, opens another menu.
Ihandle* IupSubmenu(const char *title, Ihandle *menu); [in C] iup.submenu{menu: ihandle[; title = title: string]} -> (elem: ihandle) [in Lua] submenu(title, menu) [in LED]
title: String containing the text to be shown on the item. It is a creation-only attribute and
cannot be changed later. It can be NULL. It will set the TITLE attribute.
menu: menu identifier.
Returns: the identifier of the created element, or NULL if an error occurs.
KEY: Associates a key to the submenu. In Windows, when used will also set an underscore on the respective letter of the submenu title.
OPEN_CB: Called just before the submenu is opened.
MENUCLOSE_CB: Called right before the submenu is closed.