
IUP - Portable User Interface


Creates a Fill composition element, which dynamically occupies empty spaces.

Its parent must be a IupHbox or a IupVbox.

It does not have a native representation.


Ihandle* IupFill(void); [in C]
iup.fill{} -> elem: ihandle [in Lua]
fill() [in LED]

Returns: the identifier of the created element, or NULL if an error occurs.


EXPAND: Ignored. If User size is not defined, then when inside a IupHbox EXPAND is HORIZONTAL, when inside a IupVbox EXPAND is VERTICAL. If User size is defined then EXPAND is NO.

SIZE / RASTERSIZE (non inheritable): Defines the width, if inside a IupHbox, or the height, if it is inside a IupVbox. When consulted behaves as the standard SIZE/RASTERSIZE attributes. SIZE uses the FONT attribute of the native parent to convert to pixels.

WID (read-only): returns NULL.

X, Y, POSITION: also accepted.


This element is used to maintain the dialog's layout untouched after the user made size changes, and to align the interface elements.


Browse Example Files

iupfill.gif (3031 bytes)

See Also

IupHbox, IupVbox.