Keyboard Codes
The table below shows the IUP codification of every key in the keyboard. Each key is represented by an integer value, defined in the "iupkey.h" file header, which should be included in the application to use the key definitions. These keys are used in K_ANY and KEYPRESS_CB callbacks to inform the key that was pressed in the keyboard.
IUP uses the US default codification this means that if you installed a keyboard specific for your country the key codes will be different from the real keys for a small group of keys. Except for the Brazilian ABNT keyboard which works in Windows and Linux. This does not affect the IupText and IupMultiline text input.
Notice that somes key combinations are not available because they are restrited by the system.
The iup_isprint(key) macro informs if a key can be directly used as a printable character. The isxkey(key) macro informs if a given key is an extended code. These macros are also available in Lua as a function with the same name.
In the table bellow there are the most common definitions. Change the definition to K_s*, K_c*, K_m* and K_y* when the repective modifier is pressed (Shift, Control, Alt and Sys). Sys in Windows is the Windows key and in Mac is the Apple key. Check the "iupkey.h" file header for all the definitions. To detect the combination of two or more modifiers use global attribute "MODKEYSTATE".
Note: Using the GTK in Windows does not generates the Win modifier key, the K_Print and the K_Pause keys (up to GTK version 2.8.18).
Key | Code / Callback |
Space | K_SP |
! | K_exclam |
" | K_quotedbl |
# | K_numbersign |
$ | K_dollar |
% | K_percent |
& | K_ampersand |
' | K_apostrophe |
( | K_parentleft |
) | K_parentright |
* | K_asterisk |
+ | K_plus |
, | K_comma |
- | K_minus |
. | K_period |
/ | K_slash |
0 | K_0 |
1 | K_1 |
2 | K_2 |
3 | K_3 |
4 | K_4 |
5 | K_5 |
6 | K_6 |
7 | K_7 |
8 | K_8 |
9 | K_9 |
: | K_colon |
; | K_semicolon |
< | K_less |
= | K_equal |
> | K_greater |
? | K_question |
@ | K_at |
A | K_A |
B | K_B |
C | K_C |
D | K_D |
E | K_E |
F | K_F |
G | K_G |
H | K_H |
I | K_I |
J | K_J |
K | K_K |
L | K_L |
M | K_M |
N | K_N |
O | K_O |
P | K_P |
Q | K_Q |
R | K_R |
S | K_S |
T | K_T |
U | K_U |
V | K_V |
W | K_W |
X | K_X |
Y | K_Y |
Z | K_Z |
[ | K_bracketleft |
\ | K_backslash |
] | K_bracketright |
^ | K_circum |
_ | K_underscore |
` | K_grave |
a | K_a |
b | K_b |
c | K_c |
d | K_d |
e | K_e |
f | K_f |
g | K_g |
h | K_h |
i | K_i |
j | K_j |
k | K_k |
l | K_l |
m | K_m |
n | K_n |
o | K_o |
p | K_p |
q | K_q |
r | K_r |
s | K_s |
t | K_t |
u | K_u |
v | K_v |
w | K_w |
x | K_x |
y | K_y |
z | K_z |
{ | K_braceleft |
| | K_bar |
} | K_braceright |
~ | K_tilde |
Esc | K_ESC |
Enter | K_CR |
BackSpace | K_BS |
Insert | K_INS |
Del | K_DEL |
Tab | K_TAB |
Home | K_HOME |
Up Arrow | K_UP |
PgUp | K_PGUP |
Left Arrow | K_LEFT |
Middle | K_MIDDLE |
Right Arrow | K_RIGHT |
End | K_END |
Down Arrow | K_DOWN |
PgDn | K_PGDN |
Pause | K_PAUSE |
Print Screen | K_Print |
Context Menu | K_Menu |
´ | K_acute |
ç | K_ccedilla |
F1 | K_F1 |
F2 | K_F2 |
F3 | K_F3 |
F4 | K_F4 |
F5 | K_F5 |
F6 | K_F6 |
F7 | K_F7 |
F8 | K_F8 |
F9 | K_F9 |
F10 | K_F10 |
F11 | K_F11 |
F12 | K_F12 |