
IUP - Portable User Interface

IupReparent (Since 3.0)

Moves an interface element from one position in the hierarchy tree to another.

Both parent and child must be mapped or unmapped at the same time.


void IupReparent(Ihandle* child, Ihandle* parent); [in C]
iup.Reparent(parent, ih: ihandle) [in Lua]

parent: Identifier of the new parent.
child: Identifier of the element to be moved.

Returns IUP_NOERROR if successfully, IUP_ERROR if failed.


This function is faster and easier than doing the sequence unmap, detach, attach and map.

The elements are NOT immediately repositioned. Call IupRefresh for the container* to update the dialog layout (* or any other element in the dialog).

See Also

IupAppend, IupDetach, IupMap, IupUnmap, IupRefresh