Moving or Deleting a License Component

FactorySuite 2000

Moving or Deleting a License Component

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You can move a single license component in a license file from one network computer to another. The License Utility only supports the move operation; you cannot copy a license file or any license component from one share to another.

  • To move a license component:

  1. In the License Components window, select the license component.

  2. Drag-and-drop it into the destination computer.

You will be prompted to verify the move.

  1. To move the license file, click Yes. Otherwise, click No.

  2. The results of the move will be displayed in the Results window.

  • To delete a license component:

  1. In the License Utility browser, select the license component or, click the Licview00000013.gif tool.

  2. On the Components menu, select Delete.