Feature Lines and License Components

FactorySuite 2000

Feature Lines and License Components

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A feature line represents enabled functionality for a Wonderware software component. For example, the INBATCH_DEVELOPMENT_CLIENT feature line enables InBatch remote development functionality.

A FactorySuite license component is a set of one or more feature lines that are licensed for use on a computer. For example, you could buy the InTrack Runtime Module or a Level 2 InBatch Server. Each FactorySuite license component is assigned a unique part number.

Once you have installed the WWSUITE.LIC license file, you can move license components from one computer to another using the License Utility.


After installation, the source license file (the one on the floppy) retains its license components. After a license component move, the source license file will no longer contain the license component. For example, if you move License Component X from Computer A to Computer B, Computer A will lose the license component, while Computer B will gain it.