modules_netall (04/25/12)

CRHM Borland


This module defined in Classnetall, models net all-wave radiation from the calculated short-wave radiation and the Brunt equation. Climatic data required are temperature, vapour pressure and actual sunshine hours.

Classnetall is an enhancement of the original class which provides interval radiation for the the day to allow modules to partition calculated daily evaporation over the day to intervals with positive net radiation.  These calculations must be done at the beginning of the day to be available throughout the day.




  • net (MJ/m2 Dt) - average all-wave net over time step.
  • Rn (mm/m2 Dt) - average all-wave net over time step.
  • netD (MJ/m2 day) - average all-wave net over time day.
  • RnD (mm/m2 day) - average all-wave net over time day.
  • RnD_Pos (mm/m2 day) - sum of positive all-wave net over time day.
  • cum_net (MJ/m2) - cummulative all-wave net.


  • Albedo () - areal albedo. // pseudo

Variable Inputs

  • hru_t (obs)
  • hru_ea (obs)
  • Tday (obs)  t interval values for entire day.
  • EAday (obs)  ea interval values for entire day.
  • hru_SunAct (obs)
  • SunMax (global)
  • Qdro (global)
  • Qdfo (global)
  • pQdro (global)
  • pQdfo (global)
  • albedo (albedo)


  • returns (netlongwave + netshortwave*(1-hru_alb))/Freq


netlongwave = -0.85 + 0.97*SB*pow(hru_t+273.0, 4)*(-0.39+0.093*sqrt(hru_ea)*(0.26+0.81*(hru_SunAct/SunMax))


netshortwave = (0.024+0.974*pow(hru_SunAct/SunMax, 1.35))*Qdro*0.0864 +(2.68+2.2*(hru_SunAct/SunMax)-3.85*sqr(hru_SunAct/SunMax))*Qdfo*0.0864


netshortwave = (0.024*Qdro + 2.68*Qdfo)*0.0864

Freq is the number of intervals in the day.