This module defined in ClassMSM is the minimal snow model.
- t (°C) - air temperature.
- rh (%) - relative humidity.
- u (m/s) - average wind speed over time step.
- Qsi (W/m^2) - incident short-wave.
- Qli (W/m^2) - incident long-wave.
- alb () - snow albedo.
- snowmelt (kg/m^2*int) - snowmelt.
- cumsnowmelt (kg/m^2) - cummulative snowmelt.
- snowmeltD (kg/m2*d) - daily snowmelt.
- sursubl (kg/m^2*int) - surface sublimation.
- T0 (°C) - surface temperature.
- sursubl (kg/m^2) - cummulative surface sublimation.
- LE (W/m^2) - latent heat flux .
- H (W/m^2) - sensible heat flux.
- Hsm (W/m^2) - snowmelt heat flux.
- LWn (W/m^2) - net long-wave radiation.
- SWn (W/m^2) - net short-wave radiation.
- Pa (kPa) - atmospheric pressure calculated from the elevation.
- a1 (s) - Albedo decay time constant for cold snow.
- a2 (s) - Albedo decay time constant for melting snow.
- amin () - Minimum albedo for aged snow.
- amax () - Maximum albedo for fresh snow.
- smin (mm) - Minimum snowfall to refresh snow albedo.
- Z0snow (m) - snow roughnessength.
- Zref (m) - reference height.
- basin_area (km^2) - basin area.
- hru area (km^2) - HRU area.
- hru_elev (m) - altitude.
Variable Inputs
- SWE ( *) (mm).
- net_snow (*) (mm).