modules_Ayers (06/22/11)

CRHM Borland

Ayers .

This module is defined in ClassAyers . It handles only unfrozen soil infiltration.


  • none


  • infil (mm/int) - depth of infiltration in time step, Dt – expressed as an average depth of water on an HRU.
  • cuminfil (mm) - cumulative infiltration - expressed as an average depth of water on an HRU.
  • runoff (mm/int) - amount of daily runoff – expressed as an equivalent depth (m3/m2).
  • cumrunoff (mm) - cummulative runoff.
  • meltrunoff (mm/int) - amount of interval melt runoff. .
  • cummeltrunoff (mm) - cumulative interval melt runoff.
  • snowinfil (mm/int) - amount of interval infiltration – expressed as an equivalent depth (m3/m2).
  • cumsnowinfil (mm) - cumulative interval infiltration
  • melt(mm/int) - interval melt equal to snowmeltD/Freq.


  • basin_area (km^2) - area of watershed.
  • hru_area(km^2) - area of HRUs.
  • texture () -  1 through 4 for texture:- 1 - coarse/medium over coarse, 2 - medium over medium, 3 - medium/fine over fine, 4 - soil over shallow bedrock..
  • groundcover () - 1 through 6 for groundcover: 1 - bare soil, 2 - row crop, 3 - poor pasture, 4 - small grains, 5 - good pasture, 6 - forested..


Variable Inputs

  • net_rain (mm/int) (*) - amount of rain received by the ground surface in time step, Dt. Variable available from module intcp, etc..
  • snowmeltD (mm/d) (*)

Notes on Ayers.

textureproperties[texture] [groundcover] in  mm/hour.

bare soil row crop poor pasture small grains good pasture forested  
7.6 12.7 15.2 17.8 25.4 76.2 coarse over coarse
2.5 5.1 7.6 10.2 12.7 15.2 medium over medium
1.3 1.8 2.5 3.8 5.1 6.4 medium/fine over fine
0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 soil over shallow bedrock