Defined in Classbasin. This module contains no active code. It declares general parameters for the model. Examples of the parameters declared are: basin area, HRU area, latitude, elevation, ground slope (GSL) and aspect angle (ASL).
- none
- run_ID () - run identification.
- basin_area (km^2) - basin area.
- hru area (km^2) - HRU area.
- hru_lat (°) - latitude.
- hru_elev (m) - altitude.
- hru_GSL (°) - ground slope.
- hru_ASL (°) - aspect.
- basin_name - text string.
- hru_names - text strings.
- RUN_ID - integer number used to identify CRHM model runs. When it is positive it is appended to the log file name "CRHM_output".
- RUN_START - run start time (Automation).
- RUN_END - run end time (Automation).
- INIT_STATE - initial state file (Automation).
- RapidAdvance_to - element[1] - date to advance to mm/dd/yyyy.
- Loop_to - element[1] - date to loop to mm/dd/yyyy and element[2] - number of loops before continuing.
- StatVars_to_Handle - state variables to allow to change.
Variable Inputs
- none
- If the sum of the HRU areas is not within 0.01 km2 of the basin area, the basin_area is set to the sum of the HRU areas.
- The parameter values specified in basin override any values specified in the model modules. The values in the modules are the default values for testing.
- The basin parameters are overriden when the parameters are edited and saved in a project or parameter file.
- If basin_name or hru_names contain embedded spaces the individual names nust be enclosed in single quotes.
- The first field defined in the parameter 'StateVars_to_Handle' has special significance. If it is explicit, i.e. 'soil_moist@A' then all other fields are matched exactly. However, if the first parameter is a root CRHM variable name, e.g. 'soil_moist' it is treated as a wildcard and will match any group having the 'soil_moist' variable, i.e. 'soil_moist@A', 'soil_moist@B', 'soil_moist@C' etc..