calcsun (02/05/08)

CRHM Borland


This module is defined in Classcalcsun and can estimate sunshine hours from the the incoming short-wave observation Qsi and the values QdroD, QdfoD and SunMax calculated by the module global using the HRU's latitude.


  • Qsi (W/m^2) - average incident short-wave flux for time interval (optional). Used only if sunshine hours are not available.
  • SunAct (h) - sunshine hours (optional).  When not available the sunshine hours are estimated from Qsi, if available.

Observation Functions

  • Qsitot(W/m^2*d) - daily total (cumulative) of average interval incident short-wave fluxes, Qsi.


  • hru_SunAct (h) - calculated sunshine hours.


  • none

Variable Inputs

  • QdfoD (global) (MJ/m^2*d)
  • QdflatD (global) (MJ/m^2*d)
  • SunMax (global) (h)


When the actual sunshine hours are not available as an observation,  an estimate is made from the following,

hru_SunAct = (daily sum of Qsi*WtoMJ_D/Freq - QdfoD) * (theoretical maximum sunshine hours)/(QdflatD - QdfoD) where WtoMJ_D = 86400/10^6 and Freq is intervals/day,

otherwise the observation SunAct is used.