modules_frostdepth (08/11/11)

CRHM Borland


This module is defined in Classfrostdepth. The number of soil layers is defined by NLAY.  The snow cover is handled as a separate layer whose depth is calculated from the SWE of the HRU using the function depthofsnow.


  • none


  • frostdepth (m) - frostdepth. State variable.
  • snowdepth (mm) - calculated from SWE.  State variable.
  • Findex (°C) - cumulative degrees of frost in (day.°C).  State variable.
  • Tfreeze (d) - days of frost.  State variable.
  • Lacc (MJ/m3) -  cumulative effective latent heat.  State variable.
  • Cacc (MJ/(m3.K)) -  cumulative effective heat capacity.  State variable.
  • Kacc (W/(m K)) -  cumulative effective thermal conductivity.  State variable.


  • Ta (°C) - annual air temperature.
  • soil_type () - 1/sand 2/loam 3/clay 4/organic (only used to differentiate between mineral and organic layers).
  • por (m3/m3) - porosity.
  • theta (m3/m3) - degree of saturation.
  • d (m) - layer depths 1 ... NLAY.
  • hru_lat (°) - latitude. Adjusts empirical Julian constants for Northern/Southern Hemisphere.

Variable Inputs

  • hru_tmean (obs) (°C)
  • SWE (pbsm) (mm)

Other Constants

  • Lsnow = 0.35*Ci MJ/(m3) - latent heat of snow.
  • csnow = 0.35*ki + 0.65*ka MJ/(m3.°C) - heat capacity of snow.
  • ko = 0.21 W/(m K) organic material
  • km = 0.27 W/(m K) mineral
  • ka = 0.025 W/(m K) air
  • ki = 2.24 W/(m K) ice
  • kw = 0.57 W/(m K) water
  • Cm = 2.000 MJ/(m3.K) mineral
  • Cw = 4.185 MJ/(m3.K) water
  • Ca = 0.001 MJ/(m3.K) air
  • Co = 0.110 MJ/(m3.K) organic
  • Ci = 1.950 MJ/(m3.K) organic


FrostDepth = sqrt((24*Kacc*Findex)/(Lacc + Cacc(Ta + Findex/(2.0*Tfreeze)))) - SnowDepth

where for individual layers

Ln = theta*por*333.0

Kn = (1.0 - por) * km +  theta*por*kw  + ( por - theta*por)*ka

Cn = (1.0 - por) * Cm +  theta*por*Cw  + ( por - theta*por)*Ca

for organic material use ko and Co instead of km and Cm.

For snow assuming a snowpack density of (250kg/m3) use

Ln = 0

Ks = 0.25*ki + 0.75*ka

Cs = 0.25*Ci

For the combined layers use

Lacc = (Ls*Ds + L1*D1 + L2*D2 ... Ln*Dn)/Dsum

Cacc = (Cs*Ds + C1*D1 + C2*D2 ... Cn*Dn)/Dsum

Kacc = Dsum/(Ds/Ks + D1/K1 + D2/K2 ... Dn/Kn)

where Ds (m) is SWE/250.0 assuming a snowpack density of (250kg/m3) and D1, D2 .. Dn, 1 ...NLAY are the respective layer thicknesses.  The last layer only to the depth frozen.


Van Wijk W. R., (1963) Physics of Plant Environment. North-Holland Publishing Company - Amsterdam, pp.166