modules_GreenAmpt (03/31/10)

CRHM Borland


This module is defined in ClassGreenAmpt. It handles unfrozen soil infiltration.


  • none


  • infil (mm/int) - depth of infiltration in time step, Dt – expressed as an average depth of water on an HRU.
  • cuminfil (mm) - cumulative infiltration - expressed as an average depth of water on an HRU.
  • runoff (mm/int) - amount of daily runoff – expressed as an equivalent depth (m3/m2).
  • cumrunoff (mm) - cummulative runoff.
  • meltrunoff (mm/int) - amount of interval melt runoff. .
  • cummeltrunoff (mm) - cumulative interval melt runoff.
  • snowinfil (mm/int) - amount of interval infiltration – expressed as an equivalent depth (m3/m2).
  • cumsnowinfil (mm) - cumulative interval infiltration


  • basin_area (km^2) - area of watershed.
  • hru_area(km^2) - area of HRUs.
  • soiltype () -  0 through 12 for water/sand/loamsand/sandloam/loam/siltloam/sasclloam/clayloam/siclloam/sandclay/siltclay/clay/pavement.
  • soil_moist_max (mm) - maximum available water holding capacity of soil profile.
  • soil_moist_init (mm) - initial value of available water in soil profile.

Variable Inputs

  • net_rain (mm/int) (*) - depth of rain received by the ground surface in time step, Dt. Variable available from module intcp,  etc..
  • snowmeltD (mm/d) (*)
  • soil_moist (mm) - from module Soil, smbal, etc.

Notes on Green-Ampt.

The module is used when unlimited infiltration is not possible.

When the surface ponding is negligible,

f (mm/hr)  =  k*(y*Dq/F + 1),    (eq. 1.)


k (mm/hr) = saturated hydraulic conductivity.

y (mm)  = capillary suction at the wetting front.

Dq = (qs -  qi). change in volumetric soil moisture content.

When ponded,

F1 (mm) = k*Dt + y*Dq * ln( (F1 + y*Dq)/(F0 + y*Dq)).       (eq. 2.)

where F0 (mm) = cumulative infiltation at the beginning of the time interval i.e. t,

f0 (mm/hr) =  infiltration rate at the beginning of the time interval i.e. t,

F1 (mm) = cumulative infiltration at the end of the time interval i.e. t+Dt,

f1(mm/hr) =  infiltration rate at the end of the time interval i.e. t+Dt,

It (mm/hr) = rainfall intensity during the interval.

The cumulative infiltration (Fp) at instant of ponding time is

Fp = k*y*Dq/(It - k).     (eq. 3.)

The portion of the interval, after which ponding occurs is Dt',

Dt' = (Fp - F0)/It.    (eq. 4.)

Flow Chart

Calculate the maximum infiltration rates,  f0 and f1 at the beginning and end of the time step using equation 1. using F1 = F0+Dt*It.

Case 1:  When f1 is >= rainfall intensity,  all the rainfall infiltrates with F1 = F0+Dt*It.

Case 2:  When the rainfall intensity > f0,  all the rainfall ponds and F is calculated using an iterative solution of equation 2.

Case 3:  When the rainfall intensity <= f0 but the rainfall intensity > f1,   ponding occurs during the interval and the solution consists of  solving for Fp using equation 3, then using equation 4 to solve the time into the step during which ponding occurs. Next, using equation 2 with Fp as F0 the cumulative infiltration F1 after the ponding time of (Dt - Dt') is calculated.

Assigned Soil Properties

All, except fcap are specified at 0% saturation from Chow pg 115.

Value for wilt is from Chow.

Values for por, fcap is from Floods in Canada

Soil curves of form K = Ks / (A*Psi^3 + 1 )

Soil Type psi k(mm/h) wilt fcap porosity for Soil porosity for Evap air entry tension pore size
water { 0.0 999.9 0.000 0.00 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.0
sand { 49.5 117.8 0.020 0.10 0.437 0.395 0.121 4.05
loamsand { 61.3 29.9 0.036 0.16 0.437 0.41 0.09 4.38
sandloam {110.1 10.9 0.041 0.23 0.453 0.435 0.218 4.9
loam { 88.9 3.4 0.029 0.26 0.463 0.451 0.478 5.39
siltloam {166.8 6.5 0.045 0.38 0.501 0.485 0.786 5.3
saclloam {218.5 1.5 0.068 0.38 0.398 0.420 0.299 7.12
clayloam {208.8 1.0 0.155 0.39 0.464 0.476 0.63 8.52
siclloam {273.3 1.0 0.039 0.40 0.471 0.477 0.356 7.75
sandclay {239.0 0.6 0.110 0.41 0.430 0.426 0.153 10.4
siltclay {292.2 0.5 0.056 0.43 0.479 0.492 0.49 10.4
clay {316.3 0.3 0.090 0.46 0.475 0.482 0.405 11.4
  psi(mm) k(mm/hr) wilt fcap por A-Soil moist A-Hyd cond
  water 0.0 999.9 0.000 0.00 1.100 1.000000000 1.0000000}
  sand 49.5 117.8 0.020 0.10 0.437 0.000010000 0.0002000}
  loamsand 61.3 29.9 0.036 0.16 0.437 0.000006000 0.0001000}
  sandloam 110.1 10.9 0.041 0.23 0.453 0.000001124 0.0000200}
  loam 88.9 3.4 0.029 0.26 0.463 0.000000900 0.0000150}
  siltloam 166.8 6.5 0.045 0.38 0.501 0.000000300 0.0000050}
  saclloam 218.5 1.5 0.068 0.38 0.398 0.000000200 0.0000030}
  clayloam 208.8 1.0 0.155 0.39 0.464 0.000000150 0.0000020}
  siclloam 273.3 1.0 0.039 0.40 0.471 0.000000080 0.0000015}
  sandclay 239.0 0.6 0.110 0.41 0.430 0.000000070 0.0000010}
  siltclay 292.2 0.5 0.056 0.43 0.479 0.000000010 0.0000002}
  clay 316.3 0.3 0.090 0.46 0.475 0.000000006 0.0000001}