modules_NO_pbsm (01/19/06)

CRHM Borland


Defined in ClasspNO_bsm. This module calculates snow water equivalent from snow fall. Sublimation will be added later.  It is intended to be used instead of the Prairie Blowing Snow Model when there is no blowing snow.  An example would be in a forest.


  • none


  • SWE (mm) - snow water equivalent. State variable.
  • cumSno (mm) - snow (net_snow) accumulation from beginning of winter.


  • basin_area (km2) - basin area.
  • hru_area (km2) - hru_area.
  • inhibit_evap (flag) - an output parameter set true when the SWE is greater than zero.   It is used to inhibit evaporation from the evaporation modules.

Variable Inputs

  • newsnow () - 0/1 for no/yes from module obs.
  • net_snow (mm Dt) - snow fall from wild module - intcp, brushintcp etc.
