Modules_K_Estimate (11/28/12)

CRHM Borland


The rates for lateral flow rate in soil layers and groundwater layer (i.e. subsurface and groundwater discharges) as well as vertical flow of excess soil water to groundwater (i.e. groundwater recharge) are controlled by several drainage factors: rechr_ssr_K [mm day-1], lower_ssr_K [mm day-1], gw_K [mm day-1], sd_ssr_K [mm day-1], sd_gw_K [mm day-1] and soil_gw_K [mm day-1]. rechr_ssr_K, lower_ssr_K, gw_K and sd_ssr_K are the drainage factors for lateral flows in soil recharge, lower soil, groundwater layers and depressions storage, respectively. soil_gw_K and sd_gw_K are the drainage factors for the vertical flow from soil and from depression storage to groundwater layer. Darcy's law for unsaturated flow is used to calculate these drainage factors.


  • none


  • v_L_upper (m/s) - Darcy's lateral flow velocity in upper soil column (ie. recharge layer).
  • v_L_lower (m/s) - Darcy's lateral flow velocity in lower soil column.
  • v_V_sd (m/s) - Darcy's vertical flow velocity for sd (ie. depression).
  • v_V_soil (m/s) - Darcy's vertical flow velocity for soil column.
  • v_L_gw (m/s) -Darcy's lateral flow velocity for groundwater reservoir.


  • Ks_lower (m/s) - saturated hydraulic conductivity for lower soil.
  • Ks_upper (m/s) - saturated hydraulic conductivity for upper soil layer.
  • Ks_gw (m/s) - saturated hydraulic conductivity for groundwater layer.
  • hru_GSL (°) - ground slope - increasing the slope positively, tilts the plane to the north with ASL = 0.
  • porosity (m^3/m^3) - soil porosity.
  • PSD () - pore size distribution.
  • soil_rechr_max (mm) - Maximum value for soil recharge zone (upper portion of soil_moist where losses occur as both evaporation and transpiration). Must be less than or equal to soil_moist.
  • soil_moist_max (mm) - Maximum available water holding capacity of soil profile. Soil profile is surface to bottom of rooting zone.
  • gw_max (mm) - Maximum available water holding capacity of ground water profile.
  • inhibit_evap (flag) - 0/1 enable/inhibit. Is indicator to when there is snowcover.

    The following  parameters are "declputparam" (i.e. the parameter values can be changed by this module.)

  • rechr_ssr_K (m/d) - daily ssr drainage from recharge.
  • lower_ssr_K (m/d) - daily ssr drainage from soil column.
  • Sd_ssr_K (m/d) - daily depression storage ssr drainage factor.
  • Sd_gw_K (m/d) - daily depression storage gw drainage.
  • soil_gw_K (m/d) - daily maximum amount of the soil water excess for an HRU that is routed directly to the associated groundwater reservoir each.
  • gw_K (m/d) - daily ground water drainage from gw reservoir.

Variable Inputs

  • soil_rechr (*) (mm).
  • soil_moist (*) (mm).
  • gw  (*) (mm).