dynamic parameters(10/12/06)

CRHM Borland

Creating a Macro to dynamically change parameters at model run time.

    Normally parameters have an intial value which is held constant throughout a model run.  This is the correct behaviour for parameters like elevation, area etc.  However, vegetation height is a variable during the growing season. It should be handled as a variable.  This is easily accomplished using a macro. Two examples follow.  The first illustrates how the vegetation height may read from an observation file and the second if the height versus time relationship is known.

1) Using an observation file holding vegetation heights.

    The following macro reads the observation Heights and writes it every interval to the parameter Ht. The variable Ht_Var was created so that the heights could be displayed as there is no method of charting parameters in CRHM (assumed to be constants).

declreadobs,Heights, NOBS, "Vegetation height", (m)
declparam, Ht, NHRU,0.1, 0.01, 10.0, description, (m)
declvar, Ht_Var, NHRU, "vegetation height", (m)
    Ht[hh] = Heights[hh]
    Ht_Var[hh] = Ht[hh]

2) Programming vegetation heights.

    The following macro is written assuming the crop grows continuously from a Julian date to a maximum value.

declparam, Ht, NHRU,0.1, 0.01, 100.0, description, (m)
declparam, Ht_change, NHRU,0.1, 0.01, 1.0, description, (m)
declparam, Ht_min, NHRU,0.1, 0.01, 3.0, description, (m)
declparam, Ht_max, NHRU,0.1, 0.01, 3.0, description, (m)
declparam, Ht_Julian, NHRU,195, 1, 366, description, ()
declvar, Ht_Var, NHRU, "vegetation height", (m)
declvar, Ht_Start, NHRU, "vegetation height", ()
    if(STEP == 1)
        Ht[hh] = Ht_min[hh]
    if(JULIAN >= Ht_Julian)
        Ht_Start[hh] = JULIAN
            Ht[hh] = Ht[hh] + Ht_change[hh]
        if( Ht[hh] > Ht_max[hh])
            Ht[hh] = Ht_max[hh]
    Ht_Var[hh] = Ht[hh]

Using the Height change macro modules.

After the macro code is added to the editor answer YES to the query asking if the modules should be loaded. The modules must be next added to the current model using the normal BUILD/CONSTRUCT screen.  After adding the height macro module and during the build process, CRHM will ask if the module should be deleted, answer NO.   This is necessary as CRHM is not able to determine ihow the module is used.