Structure ISect

3DS Max Plug-In SDK

Structure ISect

See Also: Class RenderGlobalContext, Class RenderInstance, Class ISectList.


This structure is available in release 2.0 and later only.

This structure is updated by the RenderGlobalContext::IntersectWorld() and RenderGlobalContext::IntersectRay() methods. It stores information about the intersection of a ray and a single triangle in a mesh.

struct ISect {

float t;

The ray that was intersected has a unit vector specifying a direction. The ray defines an infinite line in the specified direction. If you take this value t and multiply it by the direction itself it gives a point on the ray. This specifies a distance along the vector. For instance if this way 5.0, the point would 5.0 units along the ray vector. This is the point of intersection along the ray.

BOOL exit;

TRUE if the ray is exiting the object; otherwise FALSE.

BOOL backFace;

TRUE if the ray hits a back face of the triangle; otherwise FALSE.

RenderInstance *inst;

Points to the render instance associated with this triangle hit.

int fnum;

The face number of the triangle.

Point3 bc;

The barycentric coordinates of the intersection.

Point3 p;

The intersection point in object coordinates.

Point3 pc;

The intersection point in camera coordinates.

ULONG matreq;

The material requirements of the intersected face. See List of Material Requirement Flags.

int mtlNum;

The material number for a multi-material.

ISect *next;

Points to the next ISect structure in the list.
