List of Texture Map Indices.

3DS Max Plug-In SDK

List of Texture Map Indices

See Also: Class MtlBase, Class Shader.

The Standard Material texture map index used by Blinn, Phong, Constant, Metal (defined in \MAXSDK\INCLUDE\STDMAT.H). One of the following values:

ID_AM - Ambient (value 0)

ID_DI - Diffuse (value 1)

ID_SP - Specular (value 2)

ID_SH - Shininess (value 3). In R3 and later this is called Glossiness.

ID_SS - Shininess strength (value 4). In R3 and later this is called Specular Level.

ID_SI - Self-illumination (value 5)

ID_OP - Opacity (value 6)

ID_FI - Filter color (value 7)

ID_BU - Bump (value 8)

ID_RL - Reflection (value 9)

ID_RR - Refraction (value 10)

ID_DP - Displacement (value 11)