List of Super Class IDs

3DS Max Plug-In SDK

List of Super Class IDs

See Also: List of Class IDs.

The following Super Class IDs are defined in \MAXSDK\INCLUDE\PLUGAPI.H: Note: typedef ulong SClass_ID;

GEOMOBJECT_CLASS_ID - Used by geometric objects.

CAMERA_CLASS_ID - Used by plug-in cameras.

LIGHT_CLASS_ID - Used by plug-in lights.

SHAPE_CLASS_ID - Used by spline shapes.

HELPER_CLASS_ID - Used by helper objects.

SYSTEM_CLASS_ID - Used by system plug-ins.

OSM_CLASS_ID - Used by Object Space Modifiers.

WSM_CLASS_ID - Used by Space Warp Modifiers (World Space Modifiers).

WSM_OBJECT_CLASS_ID - Used by Space Warp Objects (World Space Modifier Objects).

SCENE_IMPORT_CLASS_ID - Used by Scene Import plug-ins.

SCENE_EXPORT_CLASS_ID - Used by Scene Export plug-ins.

BMM_STORAGE_CLASS_ID - Bitmap storage.

BMM_FILTER_CLASS_ID - Used by Image Filter plug-ins.

BMM_IO_CLASS_ID - Used by Image Loading/Saving plug-ins (IO Modules).

BMM_DITHER_CLASS_ID - Bitmap dithering.

BMM_COLORCUT_CLASS_ID - Bitmap color cut.

USERDATATYPE_CLASS_ID - This is obsolete.

MATERIAL_CLASS_ID - Used by plug-in Materials.

TEXMAP_CLASS_ID - Used by plug-in Textures.

UVGEN_CLASS_ID - Used by the UVGen class that handles the UV coordinate interface.

XYZGEN_CLASS_ID - Used by the XYZGen class.

TEXOUTPUT_CLASS_ID - Used by the TextureOutput class.

SOUNDOBJ_CLASS_ID - Used by sound object plug-ins.

FLT_CLASS_ID - Used by image processing filter plug-ins.

RENDERER_CLASS_ID - Used by plug-in renderers.

BEZFONT_LOADER_CLASS_ID - Used by bezier font loader plug-ins.

REF_MAKER_CLASS_ID - These are items such as material libraries, the scene, and medit.

ATMOSPHERIC_CLASS_ID - Used by atmospheric plug-ins.

UTILITY_CLASS_ID - Used by utility plug-ins.

TRACKVIEW_UTILITY_CLASS_ID - Used by Track View Utility plug-ins.

FRONTEND_CONTROL_CLASS_ID - Used by Front End Controller plug-ins.

MOT_CAP_DEV_CLASS_ID - Used by Motion Capture plug-ins.

MOT_CAP_DEVBINDING_CLASS_ID - Used by Motion Capture Device Bindings.

OSNAP_CLASS_ID - Used by Object Snap plug-ins.

TEXMAP_CONTAINER_CLASS_ID - In 3ds max 2.0 and later this new super class has been added. This is used by the Standard material to contain its Texmaps. The track view filter code has been modified so it now looks for this class and will filter it out when maps are being filtered out, instead of having special purpose code for the Standard Material. This will permit plug-in developers to put their Texmaps down in a sub-directory like the Standard material does.

RENDER_EFFECT_CLASS_ID - Used by Render Effect plug-ins (R3 and later only).

FILTER_KERNEL_CLASS_ID - Used by Anti-Aliasing Filter plug-ins (R3 and later only)

SHADER_CLASS_ID - Used by Shader plug-ins which plug-in to the Standard2 material (R3 and later only).

COLPICK_CLASS_ID - Used by color picker plug-ins (R3 and later only)

SHADOW_TYPE_CLASS_ID - Used by shadow generators (R3 and later only)

GUP_CLASS_ID - Used by Global Utility Plug-Ins (R3 and later only)

LAYER_CLASS_ID - Used by VIZ layer (R3 and later only).

SCHEMATICVIEW_UTILITY_CLASS_ID - Used by Schematic View (R3 and later only)

SAMPLER_CLASS_ID - Used by Sampler plug-ins (R3 and later only)

Super-class ID's used by various controllers

CTRL_FLOAT_CLASS_ID - Used by float controllers.

CTRL_POINT3_CLASS_ID - Used by Point3 controllers.

CTRL_MATRIX3_CLASS_ID - Used by Matrix3 controllers.

CTRL_POSITION_CLASS_ID - Used by position controllers.

CTRL_ROTATION_CLASS_ID - Used by rotation controllers.

CTRL_SCALE_CLASS_ID - Used by scale controllers.

CTRL_MORPH_CLASS_ID - Used by morph controllers.


CTRL_SHORT_CLASS_ID - This SuperClassID is obsolete.

CTRL_POINT2_CLASS_ID - This SuperClassID is obsolete.

CTRL_QUAT_CLASS_ID - This SuperClassID is obsolete.

CTRL_INTEGER_CLASS_ID - This SuperClassID is obsolete.

CTRL_POS_CLASS_ID - This SuperClassID is obsolete.

CTRL_COLOR_CLASS_ID - This SuperClassID is obsolete.

CTRL_COLOR24_CLASS_ID - This SuperClassID is obsolete.

CTRL_USERTYPE_CLASS_ID - This SuperClassID is obsolete.