List of Standard Sub-Object Modes

3DS Max Plug-In SDK

List of Standard Sub-Object Modes

Below is a list of the standard sub-object selection command modes. These classes are ready to be instantiated - no derived classes need to be defined. The constructors are shown along with their intended use.

The following modes are appropriate for any object or modifier in the pipeline that needs to implement its sub-object selection modes. While these modes are named ...ModBox... they are used by objects as well (for example the boolean object and the loft object) - so despite their name they are not just for use by modifiers.

MoveModBoxCMode( BaseObject *o, IObjParam *i )

RotateModBoxCMode( BaseObject *o, IObjParam *i )

UScaleModBoxCMode( BaseObject *o, IObjParam *i )

NUScaleModBoxCMode( BaseObject *o, IObjParam *i )

SquashModBoxCMode( BaseObject *o, IObjParam *i )

SelectModBoxCMode( BaseObject *o, IObjParam *i )

When controllers implement their sub-object selection the following modes may be used:

MoveCtrlApparatusCMode( Control *c, IObjParam *i )

RotateCtrlApparatusCMode( Control *c, IObjParam *i )

NUScaleCtrlApparatusCMode( Control *c, IObjParam *i )

SquashCtrlApparatusCMode( Control *c, IObjParam *i )

SquashCtrlApparatusCMode( Control *c, IObjParam *i )

SelectCtrlApparatusCMode( Control *c, IObjParam *i )

For working with modifier and sub-object selection, two classes are defined that the developer may use. These are GenModSelectionProcessor and SubModSelectionProcessor.

See the Advanced Topics section on Sub-Object Selection for more information on the use of these modes.