List of Object Channels

3DS Max Plug-In SDK

List of Object Channel Numbers

See Also: List of Channel Bits.

The following are the indices that may be used for the object channels. These values are used in the methods Object::UpdateValidity(), Object::SetChannelValidity() and Object::ChannelValidity().


The topology channel number. The actual value is 0.


The geometry channel number. The actual value is 1.


The texture vertices and procedural mappings channels number. The actual value is 2.


This is no longer used. Materials are rolled into the topology channel number. The actual value is 3.


The sub-object selection channel number. The actual value is 4.


This is the current level of selection number. The actual value is 5.


The display channel number. The actual value is 6.


The vertex colors number. This is also used for the second mapping channel. The actual value is 7.


The stripping, edge list, etc. channel number. The actual value is 8.


The displacement approximation channel number. The actual value is 9.


This channel number is available in release 4.0 and later only.

The extension object channel number. The actual value is 10.

Note: Developers must not get confused between these object channel numbers (TOPO_CHAN_NUM, GEOM_CHAN_NUM, etc.) and the channel bits (TOPO_CHANNEL, GEOM_CHANNEL, etc.). Some methods refer to the channel by number and some by bit. Developers must not confuse these two as the compiler will not catch this as an error. See List of Channel Bits.