Hit Test Flags

3DS Max Plug-In SDK

Hit Test Flags

The following are the various hit test flags. You may use these flags in combination, for example: HIT_SELONLY | HIT_SELSOLID.


Hit test selected items only.


Hit test unselected items only.


Abort the process of hit testing after finding any hit.


This treats selected items as solid and unselected items as not solid. Treating an item as solid means the face will be hit if the mouse is anywhere inside the face region and not just over a visible edge.


This treats any item as solid.


This option is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Hit test the transform gizmo.


This option is available in release 3.0 and later only.

The selection processor that does the hit-testing will include this flag when hit-testing on a MOUSE_POINT message, because when this flag is active and the transform gizmo's hit-testing hits the manipulator, it should switch the axis mode to the axis that is hit. Normally the transform gizmo hit-testing will only highlight the axis if it hits it - but when this flag is active it should also set the axis mode (using PushAxisMode() or SetAxisMode())


This option is available in release 4.0 and later only.

Hit test sub-manipulators.