Class TVNodeNotify

3DS Max Plug-In SDK

Class TVNodeNotify

See Also: Class ITrackViewNode, Class UndoNotify.

class TVNodeNotify


This class is available in release 2.0 and later only.

This class is the callback object for ITrackViewNode::RegisterTVNodeNotify(). Developers should derive their class from this class and implement the NotifyRefChanged() method. This allows the Track View Node to intercept reference notifications when they use a Track View Node.

For an example of this class in use by ImageFilter plug-ins see class UndoNotify in \MAXSDK\INCLUDE\FILTERS.H. It is sub-classed from this class and provides an implementation of NotifyRefChanged().

All methods of this class are implemented by the plug-in.



virtual RefResult NotifyRefChanged(Interval changeInt, RefTargetHandle hTarget, PartID& partID, RefMessage message)=0;


A plug-in which makes references must implement this method to receive and respond to messages broadcast by its dependents.


Interval changeInt

This is the interval of time over which the message is active. Currently, all plug-ins will receive FOREVER for this interval.

RefTargetHandle hTarget

This is the handle of the reference target the message was sent by. The reference maker uses this handle to know specifically which reference target sent the message.

PartID& partID

This contains information specific to the message passed in. Some messages don't use the partID at all. See the section List of Reference Messages for more information about the meaning of the partID for some common messages.

RefMessage message

The message parameters passed into this method is the specific message which needs to be handled. See List of Reference Messages.

Return Value:

The return value from this method is of type RefResult. This is usually REF_SUCCEED indicating the message was processed. Sometimes, the return value may be REF_STOP. This return value is used to stop the message from being propagated to the dependents of the item.