Class TrackHitRecord

3DS Max Plug-In SDK

Class TrackHitRecord

See Also: Class Animatable, Template Class Tab.

class TrackHitRecord


When hit testing is done, this class has data members used to identify the key that was hit. The manner these are used is up to the developer. For example, the hit member may be used as an index into the table of keys. If a developer needed additional information, the flags could be used. The system does not use these itself - the developer just needs to establish a consistent way to recognize its own keys and tag them as hit.

There is a typedef that defines a table of these TrackHitRecords. It is defined as:

typedef Tab<TrackHitRecord> TrackHitTab;

Data Members:


DWORD hit;

DWORD flags;



TrackHitRecord(DWORD h=0,DWORD f=0)


Constructor. The data members are initialized to the values passed.