Class TCBGraphParams

3DS Max Plug-In SDK

Class TCBGraphParams

See Also: Custom Controls.

class TCBGraphParams


The TCB Graph control displays a tension/continuity/bias graph in the control.


If you are going to use the TCB Graph control you must initialize it by calling

void InitTCBGraph(HINSTANCE hInst);

from DLLMain()

The value to use in the Class field of the Custom Control Properties dialog is: TCBGraph

Send this message to the graph control with lParam pointing to a TCBGraphParams structure to set the graph parameters.


For example:

TCBGraphParams gp;

gp.tens = 0.0f; gp.bias = 0.0f;gp.cont = 0.0f;

gp.easeFrom = 0.0f; gp.easeTo = 0.0f;

HWND hGraph = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_TCB_GRAPH);

EnableWindow(hGraph, TRUE);



Note that this control is not derived from ICustControl and thus does not have Enable(), Disable(), etc. methods.

Data Members:


float tens, cont, bias, easeFrom, easeTo;

The tension, continuity, bias, ease from and ease to parameters. Each value may range from 0.0 to 1.0.