Class ShapeContextCallback

3DS Max Plug-In SDK

Class ShapeContextCallback

See Also: Class BezierShape, Class ModContext.

class ShapeContextCallback


This class is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This class has a method used for retrieving other shapes in the current editing context. This class provides a way for the BezierShape::PerformTrimOrExtend method to access the shapes being trimmed.




virtual BezierShape *GetShapeContext(ModContext *context)=0;


This method will be called with a ModContext pointer; the function should return the shape for that context. This is only used in modifier applications, where more than one shape object is being modified. See \MAXSDK\SAMPLES\MODIFIERS\EDITSPL.CPP for an example of its use.


ModContext *context

Points to the ModContext for the shape the modifier is applied to.

Return Value:

A pointer to the BezierShape for the context.