Class RendParamDlg

3DS Max Plug-In SDK

Class RendParamDlg

See Also: Class Renderer.

class RendParamDlg


An instance of this class is created by Renderer::CreateParamDlg(). Since this dialog is modeless and non-interactive, as the user changes parameters in the dialog, the renderer does not need to update its state. When the user is through, they may choose 'OK' or 'Cancel' from the dialog. If the user selects OK then the AcceptParams() method will be called. If the user selects Cancel, then the RejectParams() method is called.



virtual void AcceptParams()=0;


Implemented by the Plug-In.

If the user selects OK from the dialog, this method will be called, at which time the renderer can read the parameters out of the UI and modify its state.


virtual void RejectParams();


Implemented by the Plug-In.

If this method is called, typically the renderer will not have to do anything since it has not yet modified its state, but if for some reason it has, it should restore its state.

Default Implementation:



virtual void DeleteThis()=0;


Implemented by the Plug-In.

Deletes this instance of the class. The instance is allocated by Renderer::CreateParamDialog().