Class ParamBlock2PLCB

3DS Max Plug-In SDK

Class ParamBlock2PLCB

See Also: Class PostLoadCallback, Class ILoad.

class ParamBlock2PLCB : public PostLoadCallback


This class is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This is a post load call back for fixing up parameter block2s. This callback handles conversion of pre-ParamBlock2 versions of an object to a ParamBlock2 version. NOTE: this thing deletes itself when it's done.

Data Members:

All data members are public.

ParamVersionDesc* versions;

This is an array of ParamVersionDesc2s.

int count;

This is the number in the array specified above.

ParamBlockDesc2* curdesc;

This is a pointer to the current version of the description.

ReferenceTarget* targ;

This is a pointer to a reference target. This is usually the this pointer of the object.

int pbRefNum;

This is the reference index of the parameter block.




ParamBlock2PLCB(ParamVersionDesc *v, int cnt, ParamBlockDesc2* pd, ReferenceTarget *t, int refNum);


Constructor. The data members are initialized to the values passed.


void proc(ILoad *iload);


This methods handles the conversion of edition 1 ParamBlocks to the new ParamBlock2s.


ILoad *iload

An interface for loading files.