Class NURBSTrimPoint

3DS Max Plug-In SDK

Class NURBSTrimPoint

See Also: List of NURBS Trim Directions.


This class is available in release 2.0 and later only.

This class defines a point on a curve used to trim a portion of the curve from the point towards one of the ends of the curve. The trim point is defined by a parameter and a direction. For instance, consider a CV curve that exists in the parameter space from 0.0 to 1.0. If there is a trim point in the middle of the curve the parameter for the point would be 0.5. If the portion that was being trimmed off was from 0.5 to 1.0 then the trim direction would be positive.

All methods of this class are implemented by the system.

Friend Classes:

friend class NURBSSet;



NURBSTrimPoint(double parameter, NURBSTrimDirection direction) : mParameter(parameter), mDirection(direction);




double parameter

This is point in parameter space at which the trim point exists.

NURBSTrimDirection direction

The positive or negative direction in parameter space of the portion that is being trimmed off. The direction can also be set to 'none' so no trimming is done.


double GetParameter();


Returns the point in parameter space at which the trim point exists.


NURBSTrimDirection GetDirection();


Returns the trim direction (positive, negative, or none) describing which portion of the curve is trimmed off.