Class IVertexShader

3DS Max Plug-In SDK

Class IVertexShader

See Also: Class ID3DGraphicsWindow , Class Mesh, Class INode, Class MNMesh

class IVertexShader


This class is available in release 4.0 and later only.

The abstract interface for a vertex shader.




virtual HRESULT Initialize(Mesh *mesh, INode *node) = 0;


This method loads VertexShader instructions, create any additional per vertex data on a per node basis. VertexShader instructions should be loaded once and shared among all the nodes using this VertexShader. Additional per vertex data should be (re)created only when the associated node data changes. In addition, if there is sufficient memory, VertexBuffers can be created and updated only when node data changes in order to improve rendering performance.


Mesh *mesh

A pointer to the mesh to initialize.

INode *node

A pointer to the node to initialize.


virtual HRESULT Initialize(MNMesh *mnmesh, INode *node) = 0;


This method loads VertexShader instructions, create any additional per vertex data on a per node basis. VertexShader instructions should be loaded once and shared among all the nodes using this VertexShader. Additional per vertex data should be (re)created only when the associated node data changes. In addition, if there is sufficient memory, VertexBuffers can be created and updated only when node data changes in order to improve rendering performance.


MNMesh *mnmesh

A pointer to the MNMesh to initialize.

INode *node

A pointer to the node to initialize.